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Mastering Your Fate: Find Jobs While Unemployed
May 18, 2017 10:00:00 AM

Do you have a strong sense of the state of job hunting in today’s job market?

The national unemployment rate was at 4.4% through April 2017, which is the lowest it has been in ten years. Approximately 211,000 jobs were created and job growth increased in leisure and hospitality, health care and social assistance, financial activities, and mining according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

If you are a member of the 4.4% of unemployed Americans, finding gainful employment can be a discouraging journey. Remember these wise words from William Ernest Henley,Master of my fate quote.pngIn need of some additional motivation to continue your job search? Check out these helpful tips and tricks for job seekers from MAU Workforce Solutions’ President, Randy Hatcher.


Check out Randy’s Daily Job Seeker’s Checklist to help you stay on track during your job search!

Couldn’t get enough of Randy Hatcher’s wisdom?

Join our community of job seekers and subscribe to MAU’s Career Tips Blog to receive more great career advice, tips, tricks, and trends delivered right to your inbox! MAU’s Career Tips Blog covers everything you need to become a job seeking whiz. Gain job seeking wisdom from experts on topics such as interview etiquette, resume improvement, hiring trends, self-improvement, and more.



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