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MAU Workforce Solutions is #SparkingAhaMoments
April 14, 2016 12:00:00 PM

MAU is pleased to announce our participation in the 23rd annual “Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day!” Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work® is a national, public education program that connects what children learn at school with the actual working world.Their nationally sponsored initiative, “Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day”, will allow MAU an opportunity to create an enriching educational experience for our children while showcasing the importance of work-life balance. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of April each year. This year’s April, 28, 2016 theme is “Sparking Aha! Moments.”


The purpose of Take Your Child to Work Day is to:

  • Get children thinking about their futures
  • Introduce children to work opportunities they may not have otherwise known about
  • Provide an educational experience outside of school
  • Reinforce the value of education
  • Show commitment to our employees and our community

 This event will be held at the MAU headquarters in Augusta, GA. A program of this nature is well aligned with MAU’s mission and core values as we strive everyday to make lives better! We are a family-oriented organization that built our foundation upon strong values of dedicated service, loyal relationships, and tailored business solutions. We look forward to sparking Aha! moments with today’s youth.

Find out how you can spark your own Aha! moment by working at MAU!


The 2016 theme is #SparkingAhaMoments. Participants are encouraged to post video, photos and other online posts about how they have been inspired to pursue their career inspirations, as well as conversations with children such as, “How do you think this item on my desk helps me do my job?” Please tag all online posts with #SparkingAhaMoments.

 About Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work: Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® encourages girls and boys across the country to dream without gender limitations and to think imaginatively about their family, work and community lives. This national, public education program connects what children learn at school with the actual working world. Children learn that a family-friendly work environment is an employer and family issue and not just a gender or age issue. Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work helps girls and boys across the nation discover the power and possibilities associated with a balanced work and family life. Learn more at www.DaughtersAndSonsToWork.org.

About MAU: At MAU Workforce Solutions, we staff excellent, effective people for our client partners so we can succeed together. Headquartered in Augusta, Georgia, since 1973, MAU is a family-owned minority company making lives better for applicants, clients and employees through innovative workforce solutions. Today, with branch and vendor-on-premise locations across the U.S. and over 250 offices in 25 countries/six continents through our worldwide recruiting partners, MAU has capabilities to assist with all staffing, recruiting and outsourcing needs. In 2014, MAU was also named to the Inc. 5000 list of the nation’s fastest-growing companies for the fourth consecutive year. For more about MAU, visit www.mau.com.